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  • 試験コード:C90.06
  • 試験名称:Cloud Architecture Lab
  • 問題数:15 問題と回答
  • 最近更新時間:2024-04-21
  • PDF版 Demo
  • PC ソフト版 Demo
  • オンライン版 Demo
  • 価格:11900.00 4999.00  
質問 1:
Cloud Storage Device A contains LUN A and can be accessed by external cloud consumers via a proprietary user portal that is used primarily by cloud consumers to upload and manage data for backup purposes. Pay-Per-Use Monitor A tracks the amount of data being uploaded and forwards this information to a billing management system. Cloud Storage Device B is a secondary cloud storage device. Data from Cloud Storage Device A is replicated synchronously to Cloud Storage Device B using a storage replication program (not shown). Cloud Storage Device A is further administered by a cloud resource administrator that works for the cloud provider, who accesses the cloud storage device via an internal usage and administration portal.

Three different cloud consumers (Sarah. William, Matilda) access Cloud Storage Device A to upload data for backup purposes (1). These three cloud consumers belong to different departments within the same organization, and therefore all three share LUN A.
Pay-Per- Use Monitor A collects the storage space data and forwards it to the billing management system (2).
The cloud provider offers premium and discount storage plans. With the premium plan, the data stored on Cloud Storage Device A is also replicated to Cloud Storage Device B.
With the discount plan, the data stored on Cloud Storage Device A is not replicated. Both plans are based on fixed-disk storage allocation. The cost of the premium plan is $5 per week for every GB of storage space and the cost of the discount plan is $2 per week for every GB of storage space. The SLA from the cloud provider guarantees availability of 97% for access to Cloud Storage Device A.
The three cloud consumers use Cloud Storage Device A as follows:
* Sara signs up for the discount backup plan and is allocated 50 GBs of storage space. A week later, she uploads 10 GBs of backup data. A week after that, she uploads another 35 GBs. She later finds out that for those two weeks her organization was billed $200, which is more than she was expecting. After she complains to the cloud provider, she learns about how fixed-disk storage allocation is billed. She asks the cloud provider to change her account to a different storage plan where she is only billed for the actual amount of storage space she uses at any given time. The cloud provider assures her that a new system will be set up to accommodate this request.
* William is on the premium backup plan. He uploads 1 to 3 GBs of important business data every day. After two weeks of daily uploads, he realizes that the centralized nature of the backup data on the cloud makes it more convenient for reporting purposes than the distributed nature of the same data in his on-premise environment. He uses an analysis tool to run queries against the cloud-based data. However, due to the large quantity of redundant data, the queries end up being ineffective and take too long to run. He asks the cloud provider to find a solution that can streamline the cloud-based data by reducing redundancy. By reducing the overall quantity of the data, the analysis queries will run faster.
* Matilda is on the discount backup plan and uploads backup data on a daily basis.
Over the course of two weeks she uploads over 200 GBs of data. She performs a daily backup at the end of each day by identifying the data to back up and then using the proprietary user portal to run the cloud backup procedure. This procedure can take 5 to 45 minutes, depending on the amount of data she is uploading. Matilda performs this as her last task of the day and therefore initiates the procedure before she leaves, but does not wait for it to complete. One day, she receives an e-mail from the cloud provider explaining that the backup procedure from the previous day had failed due to an unexpected hardware failure that occurred on Cloud Storage Device A.
The notification e-mail goes on to state that this type of failure falls within the 97% availability guarantee of her organization's SLA, and is therefore in compliance with the current provisioning agreement. Had a disaster occurred that night, the on-premise data could have been lost and Matilda would be held accountable. Matilda contacts the cloud provider to demand that the provisioning agreement be amended to upgrade their existing SLA to the maximum possible availability (which, for this cloud provider, is 99.999%). The cloud provider agrees to establish a system to accommodate this request.
Which of the following statements lists the patterns that can be applied to address the three issues raised by the three cloud consumers?
A. Storage Maintenance Window, Dynamic Failure Detection and Recovery, Broad Access
B. None of the above.
C. Storage Workload Management, Elastic Disk Provisioning, Centralized Remote Administration
D. Elastic Disk Provisioning, Dynamic Data Normalization, Zero Downtime

質問 2:
Cloud Service A and Cloud Service B perform different functions but both share access to Cloud Storage Device A when fulfilling requests from cloud service consumers that require data access. Cloud Services A and B are hosted by Virtual Server A, which is hosted by Hypervisor A on Physical Server A.
Cloud Service Consumer A accesses Cloud Service A to issue a request for data (1).
Cloud Service A queries a database in Cloud Storage Device A to retrieve the data (2).
Upon receiving the requested data, Cloud Service Consumer A combines it with additional data to form a new collection of data. Cloud Service Consumer A then accesses Cloud Service B and provides it with the new data (3). Cloud Service B accesses a different database in Cloud Storage Device A to store the new data (4). Cloud Consumer B accesses the usage and administration portal to upload new data (5). The data is uploaded to Cloud Storage Device B (6).

Cloud Service Consumer A belongs to Organization A.
Cloud Consumer B belongs to Organization B.
Cloud Service A is a SaaS product offered by the cloud provider to the general public, and is therefore used by numerous cloud consumers from different organizations at different times. Cloud Service B is also a SaaS product as part of the same overall solution as Cloud Service A.
However, because a given cloud service consumer only needs to access Cloud Service B when the data it receives from Cloud Service A meets certain criteria, it is not used nearly as much as Cloud Service A.
Cloud Service A currently has a hard threshold allowing no more than 10 concurrent instances of it to exist at once. One day, Cloud Service Consumer A attempts to access Cloud Service A as the eleventh cloud service consumer, and is predictably rejected.
Cloud Service Consumer A belongs to Organization A, one of the cloud provider's most important customers. Therefore, when Organization A complains about not being able to access Cloud Service A during peak usage times, the cloud provider agrees to provide a solution.
As a result of a natural disaster, the cloud provider's data center that houses Physical Server A becomes unexpectedly unavailable. Physical Server A subsequently becomes unavailable for nearly two days. This outage exceeds what the cloud provider guaranteed in its original SLA and the cloud provider agrees to not charge Organization for usage fees for an entire month as compensation. However, the unavailability of Physical Server A had a significant impact on Organization As business, resulting in financial loss and loss of confidence of its clients. Organization A informs the cloud provider that it cannot continue working with this cloud unless the cloud provider can guarantee that the availability of Physical Server A will no longer be dependent on a single data center or a single geographic region.
Organization B receives its latest monthly invoice from the cloud provider and discovers that the charges are identical to the invoice it received last month, even though the usage and administration portal shows that its data usage is a third less. They bring this issue to the attention of the cloud provider and are informed that they are currently subscribed to a fixed-allocation plan. The cloud provider explains that in order to get them on a plan whereby they are charged only for actual data usage, Cloud Storage Device B would need to be upgraded and a system capable of tracking runtime usage would need to be established. Organization B asks the cloud provider to make these changes.
Which of the following statements provides a solution that can address Organization A's and Organization B's issues?
A. The Resource Pooling pattern can be applied to pool the IT resources used by Cloud Service A so that requests from Cloud Service Consumer A can utilize these resources during peak usage times. The Non-Disruptive Service Relocation pattern can be applied so that, in the event of failure, Cloud Storage Device B can be migrated at runtime to a cloud in another geographic region. The Elastic Disk Provisioning pattern can be applied so that Organization B is only charged for the amount of data storage it uses.
B. The Service Load Balancing pattern can be applied to create redundant service implementations of Cloud Service A, so that a load-balancing system can distribute workloads across the service implementations dynamically. The Zero Downtime pattern can be applied to establish a secondary deployment of Physical Server A in a different data center located in a different geographic region. The Elastic Disk Provisioning pattern is applied together with the Pay-as-You-Go pattern to establish systems that ensure that Cloud Consumer B is charged only for the amount of data and resources it consumes.
C. The Service Load Balancing pattern can be applied to balance the workloads across multiple Cloud Service A implementations. The Synchronized Operating State pattern can be applied so that Virtual Server A is automatically synchronized to a secondary implementation of Physical Server A located in a different geographic region. The Usage Monitoring pattern can be applied so Cloud Consumer B's resource consumption is tracked and logged at runtime.
D. None of the above.


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SOA Cloud Architecture Lab 認定 C90.06 試験問題:

1. Cloud Service A requires access to Cloud Storage Device A and Cloud Storage Device B.
Cloud Service A is hosted by Virtual Server A.
Virtual Server A and Virtual Server B are hosted by Hypervisor A, which resides on Physical Server A.
Cloud Service Consumer A sends a request to access Cloud Service A (1). Cloud Service A retrieves data from Cloud Storage Device A and Cloud Storage Device B (2). Cloud Consumer A uses the usage and administration portal to access resource usage reports for Cloud Service A (3).

Cloud Service Consumer A and Cloud Consumer A belong to Organization A, which is leasing an laaS environment from the cloud provider.
The cloud provider makes Cloud Service A available to several new cloud service consumers. Additionally, new LUNs are created on Cloud Storage Devices A and B for new cloud consumers to perform regular data access functions. This increase in workload causes Virtual Server A to fail during peak usage periods. Organization A and the new cloud consumer organizations request that the cloud provider find a way to dynamically support the higher usage workloads.
Organization A keeps its master files and data in LUN B in Cloud Storage Device B.
One day, a cloud resource administrator accidentally changes the path used to access LUN B.
The original path cannot be retrieved. The cloud resource administrator informs Organization A's IT department that it must change any systems or tools it uses to access LUN B to the new path. This causes significant challenges, as well as a costly period of disruption. Organization A asks the cloud provider to create a system that would help avoid disruption in access to LUN B, if this was to ever happen again.
The cloud provider has made Cloud Storage Device A part of a resource pool of synchronized cloud storage devices. Organization A is sharing Cloud Storage Device A with another cloud consumer organization. When cloud consumers from both organizations access Cloud Storage Device A at the same time, they encounter a resource constraint condition that causes Cloud Storage Device A to fail. Organization A requests that the cloud provider extend the existing cloud architecture to prevent this situation from happening again.
Which of the following statements provides a solution that can address all of these problems?

A) The Elastic Resource Capacity pattern can be applied to establish a system that can dynamically allocate resources to Virtual Server A.
The Multipath Resource Access pattern can be applied to establish a multipathing system that can provide an alternative path to LUN B in Cloud Storage Device B.
The Resource Reservation pattern can be applied to establish a system that enables Organization A to have exclusive access to pre-defined resources on Cloud Storage Device A for a given period of time.
B) None of the above.
C) The Elastic Network Capacity pattern can be applied to implement a system that dynamically assigns network ports to Virtual Server A before its processing capacity thresholds are reached. The Redundant Physical Connection for Virtual Servers pattern can be applied to create an alternative path to LUN B in Cloud Storage Device B.
The Resource Pooling pattern can be applied to synchronize Cloud Storage Device A with other cloud storage devices.
D) The Resource Reservation pattern can be applied to dynamically provision resources to Virtual Server A whenever its processing thresholds are being reached. The Persistent Virtual Network Configuration pattern can be applied to establish a persistent hyperlink to LUN B over the virtual network that cannot be lost. The Elastic Resource Capacity pattern can be applied to prevent Cloud Storage Device A from encountering resource constraints.

2. A cloud provider has two cloud environments (Cloud A and Cloud B) that are in different geographical regions. Cloud Service A resides in Cloud A.
A redundant implementation of Cloud Service A resides in Cloud B.
An automated scaling listener is used in Cloud A to automatically balance the workload of requests for Cloud Service A across the two redundant implementations. Cloud Service A is required to access Cloud Storage Device A, which also resides in Cloud A.
A redundant implementation of Cloud Storage Device A is located in Cloud B.
A failover system is used to ensure that if the Cloud Storage Device A implementation in Cloud A fails, the Cloud Storage Device A implementation in Cloud B takes its place.
Cloud Service Consumer A is owned by Organization A.
Cloud Service Consumer A sends a request to Cloud Service A (1). The automated scaling listener intercepts the request and directs it to the Cloud Service A implementation in Cloud A (2). This Cloud Service A implementation attempts to access Cloud Storage Device A in Cloud A, but Cloud Storage Device A fails (3). The failover system redirects the request to Cloud Storage Device A in Cloud B (4). Cloud Service Consumer B sends a request to Cloud Service A (5). The automated scaling listener intercepts the request and directs it to the Cloud Service A implementation in Cloud B (6). This Cloud Service A implementation accesses Cloud Storage Device A in Cloud B to fulfill the request (7).

An unexpected outage occurs in Cloud A, making Cloud Service A unavailable.
Organization A notices that its cloud resource administrator can continue accessing data in Cloud Storage Device A via a usage and administration portal. Cloud Service Consumer A is unable to access data in Cloud Storage Device A via Cloud Service A during the outage.
The cloud resource administrator manually restarts Cloud Service A and it continues to function normally.
Organization A needs to change the cloud architecture so that when Cloud Service A fails, three automated attempts are made to recover it before a manual restart is required.
Due to data storage regulations, Organization A is prohibited from storing some types of data across more than one cloud storage device. A large amount of the data in Cloud Storage Device A is subject to these regulations. Because of an increase in usage, the capacity of Cloud Storage Device A has reached its limit, resulting in regular delays and lag time when processing data access requests during peak usage times.
A management change by another cloud consumer organization inadvertently reconfigures settings in the failover system used in Cloud A for Cloud Storage Device A.
Organization A complains to the cloud provider who promises to take the steps required to prevent management tasks performed by other cloud consumer organizations from affecting IT resources being used by Organization A.
Which of the following statements describes a solution that can resolve all of these issues?

A) The Load Balanced Virtual Server Instances pattern can be applied to balance the virtual servers hosting Cloud Service A implementations across the two cloud environments. The Storage Workload Management pattern can be applied to balance workloads across both Cloud Storage Device A implementations. The Resource Reservation pattern can be applied to establish a physical network boundary around Organization A's IT resources, thereby protecting them from other cloud consumer organizations.
B) None of the above.
C) The Dynamic Failure Detection and Recovery pattern can be applied so that if Cloud Service A in Cloud A fails, a watchdog system attempts to automatically recover Cloud Service A.
Assuming Cloud Storage Device A has support for multiple disk types, the Intra- Storage Device Vertical Data Tiering pattern can be applied so that Cloud Storage Device A is equipped with dynamic vertical scaling. The Resource Management pattern can be applied to allow cloud consumer organizations to perform management tasks on IT resources without impacting IT resources being used by other cloud consumer organizations.
D) The Zero Downtime pattern can be applied to establish a cross-cloud failover system for the two Cloud Service A implementations. The Cross-Storage Device Vertical Tiering pattern can be applied to vertically scale data in Cloud Storage Device A across multiple other cloud storage devices dynamically. The Centralized Remote Administration pattern can be applied to establish a logical network perimeter around Organization A's IT resources, thereby protecting them from other cloud consumer organizations.


質問 # 1
正解: A
質問 # 2
正解: C

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