最新なMagento Magento-Certified-Professional-Cloud-Developer問題集(60題)、真実試験の問題を全部にカバー!

Pass4Testは斬新なMagento Magento 2 Developer Architect Magento-Certified-Professional-Cloud-Developer問題集を提供し、それをダウンロードしてから、Magento-Certified-Professional-Cloud-Developer試験をいつ受けても100%に合格できる!一回に不合格すれば全額に返金!

  • 試験コード:Magento-Certified-Professional-Cloud-Developer
  • 試験名称:Magento Certified Professional Cloud Developer Exam
  • 問題数:60 問題と回答
  • 最近更新時間:2024-04-22
  • PDF版 Demo
  • PC ソフト版 Demo
  • オンライン版 Demo
  • 価格:12900.00 5999.00  
質問 1:
While investigating an inherited MagnetoCommerceCloud project, you notice the following SCD_MATRIX configuration in magento , env, yam1:

What is the effect of this configuration?
A. Static content for all locales will be generated for all frontend themes
B. Static content for frontend themes is generated during the deploy phase
C. All frontend theme static content will be reused from the previous deployment
D. Only the static content for the adminhtml area will be generated

質問 2:
You cloned the Integration branch to your local environment and Imported the database dump from Integration. You performed composer install and bin/magentosetup:install.
While placing an order using PayPal Express, the following error occurs:
PayPal gateway has rejected request. Security header is not valid (#10002: Security error).
What Is the cause of this error?
Paypal gateway has rejected request, Securityheader is not valid (#10002: Security error).
What is the cause of this error?
A. A new encryption key has been created on the setup:install action.
B. The PHP extension mcrypt has not been installed locally.
C. The folder var/session has no write permissions for the web server user.
D. Paypal Sandbox API credentials are not valid for the local environment.

質問 3:
You want to exclude some themes from static assets generation only for integration environments You are trying to choose where to set the scd_exclude_themes variable in the . magento.env.yamltile or in the Project WeD Ul.
What prevents the usage of the . magento. env.yaml file?
A. Only variables which are set using the Project Web Ul has the option visible during build
B. The code from integration would be merged into the Staging and Production branches
C. Child environments inherit the variable when you use the . magento. env. yaml file
D. The .magento.env.yama file can contain only deployment configuration options, which are only available it static assets generation runs on the deploy phase

質問 4:
Your client is expecting a five-day sale where the traffic will approximately double.Your instance is consuming all available resources on all three nodes so upsizing one level is appropriate.
How manyupsize days will this event use?
A. Fifteen
B. Eight
C. Ten
D. Five

質問 5:
While setting up a Magento project you run the following command
magento-cloud variable:update ADMIN_USERNAME -value=alice
What will this command do?
A. Change the usernameof the default administrator account to alice
B. Configure the Magento Commerce Cloud tools to use alice for API call authentication
C. Change your usernameto alice tor logging into the magento-cloud CLl tool C.
D. Update the Magento cloud/admin/username config variable to alice

質問 6:
You are reviewing a third party extension for MagentoCommerce Cloudcompatibility Which pattern makes a module incompatible with Magento Commerce Cloud?
A. Direct instantiation by the objectManager In non-constructor methods with the class also being referenced in the constructor signature
B. Configuration referencing generated Proxy classes In the modules erc/frontend/di.xml file
C. Direct instantiation by the objectManager of non-generated classes in .phtml template files
D. Direct instantiation of generated classes by the objectManager without the class being referenced in the constructor

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Magento Certified Professional Cloud Developer 認定 Magento-Certified-Professional-Cloud-Developer 試験問題:

1. A merchant with three websites using en_GB. fr_FR and de_AT requires a change in locale to de_DE for the German Production website After running the following command on Production you notice the frontend design of the German website is broken:
Php bin/magento config:set -scope=websites -scopes code=germ general /local./code de_DE Static content deployment is set up to on the deploy phase Why did this happen?

A) Static Content is not pre-generated for the de_DE locale
B) The magento-cloud environment: deploy command has not been run yet to generate static content for the new locale
C) de_DE is not writeable in pub/static and has to be configured via the .magento.app.yamlfile
D) STA"IC_CONTENT_SYKLINK is not Configured in the .magento.env.yaml file

2. A merchant using Magento Commerce Cloud Pro reports an issue with an order missing transaction data.The application uses a payment gateway integration which posts a series of callbacks to Magento You would like to retrieve a complete list ofcalls to build a timeline of what happened How do you achieve this?

A) View the access. log file in the Project web UI
B) Use the magento-cloud environment:ssh command to access the environment and investigate the access.log file
C) Use the magento -cloud environment: logs command to retrieve the access. log file from Production
D) Use SSH to access all nodes and investigate the access. leg riles

3. You need to increase the Admin Session Lifetime up to 86400 seconds for the branch named Integration and children branches but not for the Staging and Production branches.
How do you update this on the integration branch and its child branches?

A) Add the following variable on the Integration branch and set Its value to 86400 env:CONFIG_STORES_DEFAULT_ADMIN_SECURITY_SESSION_LIFETIME
B) On your local environment, set the Admin Session Lifetime In the Magento admin backend under Stores> Configuration> Advanced > Admin > Security then dump this setting into the app /etc/ confi.php file and commit this file
C) Run the following Magento CLI command
php bin/magento config:set admin/security/session_lifetime 86400
D) On the Integration environment set the Admin Session Lifetime in the Magento admin backend under Stores > Configuration > Advanced > Admin > Security

4. You are going to create a backup of an Integration branch before implementing some new feature What are two ways to create the backup of the integration branch?
Choose 2 answers

A) Create a snapshot using the ece-tools snapshot:create command
B) Submit a support ticket requesting a backup be made
C) Create a snapshot using the snapshot button In the Project Web Ul
D) Create a snapshot using the magento-cloud snapshot: create command

5. You want to move staticcontent deploy to the build phase of deployments Which two actions do you take? Choose 2 answers

A) Run ece-tools config:dump on production
B) Download and commit app/etc/config.php from production
C) Use scp to copy app/etc/config.php from local to production
D) Run ece-tools scd-deploy:set build on production


質問 # 1
正解: A
質問 # 2
正解: D
質問 # 3
正解: A
質問 # 4
正解: C、D
質問 # 5
正解: A、D

1176 お客様のコメント最新のコメント

Maruyama - 

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