最新なIBM C2210-403問題集(105題)、真実試験の問題を全部にカバー!

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C2210-403 actual test
  • 試験コード:C2210-403
  • 試験名称:IBM Forms 8.0 - Form Design and Development
  • 問題数:105 問題と回答
  • 最近更新時間:2024-04-18
  • この試験はもう終わりました。その代わりに、新しい試験 C9520-403 を提供します。

  • PDF版 Demo
  • PC ソフト版 Demo
  • オンライン版 Demo
  • 価格:12900.00 5999.00  
質問 1:
A signature in an IBM Form can be configured to secure:
A. the whole form
B. All of the above
C. an instance
D. a form page
E. a group of items on a form page

質問 2:
All of the following are valid operations with in the Designer Preferences panel EXCEPT which one?
A. Define the location where user-defined FormParts will be stored.
B. Set the URL for the Webform Server used to render forms.
C. Specify your own third-party source editor.
D. Add compute templates for XFDL and XForms that will appear in the compute wizard.

質問 3:
Which absolute XPath query will properly limit the result set to 10 items?
A. instance('INSTANCE')/widgets/widget[position() > 5 and position() < 16]
B. widgets/widget[position > 5 and position < 16]
C. widgets/widget[position() > 5 and position() < 15]
D. instance('INSTANCE')/widgets/widget[position > 5 and position < 16]

質問 4:
The form has a field with an XFDL format constraint. The field references a data element with an XForms constraint bind. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. The data will always be invalid if constraints are set both in the bind and with a format.
B. The data is considered valid if it passes the constraint set in the bind, regardless of the format constraint.
C. The data is considered valid if it passes the format constraint, regardless of the constraint set in the bind.
D. The data is considered valid if it passes both the format constraint and the constraint set in the bind.

質問 5:
Which of the following problems PREVENTS the IBM Forms Viewer from displaying a form?
A. Calling an XForms function in a bind's calculate that does not exist.
B. A form with signed data that has been modified.
C. All of the above.
D. A signature that cannot be verified.

質問 6:
How many XForms models should be declared within a single XFDL form?
A. It should contain as many as you need.
B. It shouldn't contain any.
C. It should contain one and only one.
D. It should contain more than one.

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IBM Forms 8.0 - Form Design and Development 認定 C2210-403 試験問題:

1. Which XForms item is used to define a table?

A) xforms:table
B) xforms:select
C) xforms:repeat
D) xforms:group

2. When calling one of the functions contained within the Viewer IFX, all of the following statements are true EXCEPT which one?

A) Viewer functions only work when using the Viewer.
B) There is a function within the Viewer IFX to display a message box.
C) Viewer functions can be called from XForms actions.
D) You must add the 'viewer' prefix to the function call.

3. Which of the following statements regarding the benefits of using XML is FALSE?

A) XML is based on a W3C standard, and is endorsed by software industry market leaders. Therefore, you are locked into using their technology.
B) XML is simple to use. Information coded in XML is easy to read and understand. It lets you identify your information in an accurate, flexible andadaptable way, allowing for easier integration with other systems.
C) XML facilitates the comparison and aggregation of data. The tree structure of XML documents allows documents to be compared andaggregated efficiently element by element.
D) XML is extensible. Since there are no fixed set of tags, new tags can be created as they are needed.
E) XML is self-describing. XML documents can be stored without schema definitions, because they contain meta data in the form of tags andattributes.

4. Which of the following objects are NOT supported for mapping when using the IBM Forms - P8 Integrator?

A) Array and Image only
B) Signature only
C) Signature, Image, and Array
D) Image and Signature only

5. Jane has built an HTML page containing a Google map. She wants to show the map in a modal dialog after the user has entered a valid address in the form. What does Jane need to do to accomplish this?

A) Jane needs to create a button of type 'html', and set the launchModalDialog property of the button to 'on'. Shealso needs to specify the HTMLpage in the 'content' property.
B) Jane needs to create a button of type 'link', and set the launchModalDialog property of the button to 'on'. She also needs to specify a URL tothe desired HTML page in the 'url' property.
C) Jane needs to call the launchModalDialog function from a compute, and pass a URL to the desired HTML page as a parameter.
D) Jane needs to call the launchModalDialog function from a compute, passing an XPath reference to the instance that contains the HTML.


質問 # 1
正解: C
質問 # 2
正解: C
質問 # 3
正解: A
質問 # 4
正解: C
質問 # 5
正解: C

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